Little ‘O’ Family Fun Run Information

The 1 mile family fun run is held after the main 10k race event for participation by children from the village and runners visiting the village and attracts between 400-500 children and parents. There is a £4 entry fee for the Fun Run and medals are awarded to all children that take part.
Whilst the Fun Run is not part of the 10k licenced event covered by UKA and BARR, the 10K race organisers support the fun run by ensuring marshals are left in place on the circular circuit and the timing of the race ensures that it is completed within the time frame of the road closure order and all medical support provided for the 10k race remains in place.
If you wish your child to take part, it is your responsibility to read the details below and take responsibility for their safety.
Please click HERE for our Child Protection Procedure
- The run is a 1 mile loop around the village starting and finishing at the Village School in the High Street.
- The run will start at 12.40 promptly after the 10k prize giving.
- Runners will be asked to line up in age order – oldest/faster runners at the front 10-15 yrs first; 7-10; Buggies and runners with dogs at the back.
- We ask that no child under the age of 8 run by themselves. If you choose to allow your child to run unaccompanied, as the parent/responsible adult this is your decision.
- Runners will be led in age order to the start line at the zebra crossing.
- Our race marshals are in place to ensure the safety of all runners, together with first aiders and medical support at the start and finish of the race (Village School).
- A race marshal following the back runner and would also hope that other runners would help if they saw a child in distress.
- Every effort is made to help ensure your child has a good and safe fun run, BUT we cannot guarantee that they will not get lost or hurt themselves and cannot accept any liability for such events.
- All Fun Runners will be funnelled into the School at the finish to collect their medals.
- If your child is running by themselves we suggest you agree a place where you will meet them once they have finished the Fun Run.
- All missing / found children will be taken to Race HQ and announcements made every 5 minutes to locate the responsible adult.
Disclaimer – At what age can my child run by themselves
Please not that our rules are that No child under 8 should be allowed to run by themselves. We understand that you as the parent know your child best so if you decide to let them run alone this is your decision and thus your responsibility.
There will be marshals on the course, first aiders on call, and a lead and back runner. We will make every effort to help ensure your child has a good and safe time BUT we cannot guarantee that they will not get lost or hurt themselves and cannot accept any liability for such events.