Thank you to all that made 2024 a great success, lets make our 39th year in 2025 even better!
If you have a question which is not answered here then please email, we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
Race Route
The Big “0” 10k Road Race is a fully marshalled course that follows a figure of 8 through the village of Hatfield Broad Oak on closed roads starting in the High Street and ending on the Village Green. The course is gently undulating and on road throughout until the final 800m as it enters the Village Green at the finish.
Race HQ
Race HQ will open from 8.30am and is located on the Village Green which can be accessed via the high street opposite the village school or via walking through the Flower Festival Car Park situated behind St Mary’s Church. At 10:30am there will be a verbal Race Briefing in front of race HQ.
Registration for 2025 Entries open SOON!
Total Places: 1500
Entry Fee: Affiliated – £26.00, Unaffiliated – £28.00, no late entries
Race Packs
Race packs can be collected early from Flower Festival Tea Tent on Saturday 24th May TBC and Sunday 25th May TBC and on Race Day 26th May between 8:30 – 10:30 at race HQ on the village green. Race packs include your running bib and timing chip. Race pack information can be found here.
NB Race packs WILL NOT be posted and Race Numbers are non-transferable.
Race Day Timetable
08:00 Car parks open
08:30 Race HQ opens for Race Pack and Chip Collection on the Village Green
10:30 Race HQ closes for chip collection and runners assemble on the Village Green for the Pre-Race Briefing
10:40 Road closure commences
10:50 Pre-Race Briefing informing runners of hazards on the day and do’s and don’ts of the race. Due to the size of the race runners may find it hard to hear this. NB: All runners receive a pre-race briefing email.
Runners are invited to walk from the Village Green to the Race Start lining up with markers according to anticipated running time. Please be realistic about your starting position so that you do not impede race times for our faster competitors
11:00 Race starts
12:15 Prize giving
12:40 Assemble outside the Village School for 1mile fun run
13:30 Road closure ends and roads open to vehicles
Race Day Parking
There are 2 car parks which are clearly signposted and we ask that you do not park illegally on grass verges or the race route. Arrive early to give yourself plenty of time to negotiate any traffic build-ups and delays.
- SAT NAV POSTCODE: CM22 7HH- please follow the directions of our traffic marshals.
- Car parks will open at 8.00am, please allow enough time to collect your race pack.
- Disabled parking can be found at the Flower Festival Car Park behind St Mary’s Church. Please ask car parking marshals for direction.
Changing Facilities/ Personal Belongings
Kit may be left in the bag drop for a £1 donation to the left of race HQ in the back of the van at your own risk. Unfortunately we are unable to take responsibility for small valuables (car keys/wallets etc.)
We have two water stations. The first at the 5K marker and the second at Race Finish (10K).
Finish Line
The race finishes on the village green and there is plenty of space for spectators. You will be funnelled to collect your water / t-shirts etc. The best way to exit or enter the village green once the race has started is behind the church. We suggest you agree a meeting point with friends and family on the Village Green outside the finish area to avoid congestion and as a courtesy for runners who have yet to finish.
The wearing of earphones is prohibited by UKA RULE 240 S 5 UKA SUPPLEMENT – HEADPHONES and we have taken advice from BARR. Devices with headphones or earbuds are prohibited during the road race. However, bone-conducting headsets are allowed. This is for your safety, as listening to music during a race may distract you from being able to hear instructions from our race marshals and other runners on the course. If you are observed using such a device during this race you will be disqualified.
Runners results will be displayed at RACE HQ, runners will be emailed and any runner that has provided a mobile number will be sent a text message on the day. Results will be available to view on our website.
Further Information
Pot Holes/Hazards: tbc

Medical Support: Medical provision is provided by Trident Medical in accordance with UKA rules. Marshals will be lining the route at 1km intervals. We also have first aiders and medical support around the course.
Spectators: Non-runners can gain access to the Village Green via the rear of the Flower Festival Car Park behind the Church. There is a gate between the car park field and the Village Green which will be open on the day and sign posted. NB access to the village green directly from the High Street will be limited so we advise you to use the above access. Please ensure this is communicated to friends and family.

We are proud to announce that this year the Broad Oak Big “0” Road Race Run has been designated as a Gold Grade race by the British Association of Road Races (BARR). Please click here to view our Gold Grade certificate.
Our race has also been issued with a road race licence by UK Athletics. The number for the 2025 race is TBC. Click APPLIED FOR to view the licence.
Our course has also been accurately measured by a Certified Measurer using IAAF procedures approved for use in the UK. Our course number is TBC and you can click here to view our certificate of course accuracy.
Road Closure Order

Please click APPLIED FOR to view our road closure order